Arabic is spoken by some 350 million people in the world; it is the national language in 23 countries of the Arab League and one of the six official languages at the United Nations. Arabic is a language of culture, trade, exchanges, and science, which is why learning Arabic offers a real advantage.

Arabic was and still is the vehicle of rich and fertile lines of thought in literature, philosophy and science – the heritage of the great civilisations of the Middle East was taken over and developed in Arabic. Hence, Arabic allows for wide cultural openness both from a geographical and a historical point of view.

The Arab world also has a very prominent strategic position in the world’s economy and is the world leader in oil and gas reserves. Mastering Arabic through language courses is consequently an asset for international trade, diplomacy and tourism.

Furthermore, although there are numerous Arabic dialects, literal Arabic is common to all Arab countries. It’s the main language in writing, but it is also widely spoken, especially in the media, in speeches, and everything related to official communications.

The Arabic language classes we offer in Geneva are flexible and aim for a rapid improvement in your communicative skills.

Our teachers will plan your Arabic courses according to your objectives and your needs.


Flexibility in your schedule

  • You can choose the days and times for your Arabic lessons.
  • You can choose the duration of your Arabic classes.
  • You set the pace of your Arabic sessions – you can change the frequency of your Arabic courses.

Flexibility of location

  • You can choose where you prefer to take your Arabic classes; at home or at work, and at no additional cost.

One-on-One and Arabic classes in groups

  • Whilst we offer mostly individual Arabic classes, you can always choose to learn Arabic with your friends or colleagues.


Arabic teacher in Geneva

Arabic teacher

Khaled est titulaire d’une licence ès lettres à l’Université de Damas et d’un master II en Archéologie et Histoire des mondes anciens à l’Université Lyon 2. Il poursuit actuellement une thèse de doctorat portant sur l’administration dans le Grand Palais Royal de Mari à la fin de l’époque des Shakkanakku. Il a enseigné les langues et l’histoire du Proche-Orient ancien dans plusieurs universités (Genève, Venise, Louvain-la-Neuve).  Il a également traduit plusieurs textes et articles depuis le français ou l’anglais en langue arabe, sa langue maternelle. Sa culture orientale, sa langue maternelle et son expérience, présentent un atout dans l’enseignements de la langue arabe et lui permettent de définir les besoins des étudiants afin d’atteindre leur objectif dans les meilleures conditions.                



خالد حاصل على إجازة جامعية في علم الآثار من جامعة دمشق ومن ثم حصل على ماجستير في آثار الشرق القديم من جامعة ليون الثانية. يتابع حالياً رسالة دكتوراه في جامعة جنيف تحت عنوان « إدارة القصر الملكي في مدينة ماري أواخر فترة الشاكاناكو ».

قام خالد بتدريس لغات وتاريخ الشرق القديم في العديد من جامعات العالم : جنيف ، البندقية و لوفان لا نوف.

كما قام بترجمة العديد من النصوص والمقالات من اللغات الفرنسية والإنكليزية الى اللغة العربية.

ثقافته الشرقية بالإضافة الى خبراته السابقة في مجال تعليم اللغات تتيح له تحديد الحاجات اللغوية للمتعلمين والعمل على تحقيق أهدافهم في أفضل الظروف والوسائل.